Volunteer Communication 2 2013

Date: 8/23/13
Subject: Superior Fall Trail Race Volunteers [2]

Hello All,

Due to the very complex logistics of putting on three races over 100 miles in two days with 13 aid stations it is impossible to keep this email short so please bear with us and read the entire email when you have time, review the links provided and the entire website http://fall.superiortrailrace.com/ and print the items you think you will need to have with you (aid station chart, maps etc.). 

First and foremost, thank you for volunteering for this years race.  The Superior 100 is one of the oldest, toughest and best run 100 milers in the country and you should be proud to be insturmental in that – once again I am sure that we are going to put on a great event for the approximate 600 runners from 35 states and Canada who will line up for the 100, 50 and Marathon.  To date we have about 120 volunteers signed up, we cannot thank you enough for taking the time out of your busy lives to volunteer at the race! We are still in need of some volunteers especially at a few of the middle and the later aid stations – if you can recruit someone additional to join you at your assigned position, that would be huge, additional volunteers can sign up HERE http://fall.superiortrailrace.com/volunteer-signup/  – Aid Station captains, please let me know if you see any potential issues.   We also always need more help at the finish, especially in the late afternoon until the finish – this is when everyone is getting tired and we really need to be on top of our game at the finish line, drop me a line if you want to be assigned to the finish after your primary shift if you have not been already.

Volunteer assignments have been made based off the information you have provided to us and and you can view them HERE http://fall.superiortrailrace.com/volunteer-assignments/ (you can click the column headers i.e. ‘Last Name’ to see where you are assigned and ‘Job Name’ to see who you are assigned with at a given job – you can also use the Search box to find just about anything) – keep in mind many of you have multiple assignments.  To learn everything you need to know about the job you have been assigned go HERE http://fall.superiortrailrace.com/volunteers/resources/volunteer-jobs/ – this page includes info about the open and close times, directions to, and peripheral information about the aid stations.  Additionally all of the maps and graphs on this page are helpful http://fall.superiortrailrace.com/race-info/aid-stations-maps-data/ – you should also read the info about the races and fully review the website to learn as much as you can about the event.  If you are unfamiliar with working an aid station at a 100 mile race this might be helpful http://fall.superiortrailrace.com/volunteers/resources/aid-stations-101/ and a complete list of equipment, supplies and food provided to you and dropped off for you is available HERE http://fall.superiortrailrace.com/volunteers/resources/aid-station-supplies/

As mentoned on the website we will deliver all of the equipment, food, water, stoves, gas, generators etc. that you need a few hours before your Aid Station is scheduled to open.  As always please feel free to put your touches on the aid stations, feel free to plan and bring one or two special food items, the only hot items we provide in the aid staiton bins in soup mix (planning extra food items like grilled cheesde, pizza, pancakes etc. always really sticks out in the runners memories and you will be forever loved by these runners!)  Right now we are planning on providing a generator for each of the following aid stations Finland, Sonju Lake RD., Crosby Manitou, Sugarloaf, Cramer Road and Temperance (if you have a generator you can round up for one of these aid staitons, let us know as we can use extra elsewhere) – if you have some old Christmas lights you would like to donate to the event, bring them!  County RD 6, Sawbill and Oberg I believe all have their own generators and the earlier ones (Tettegouche and prior) should not need one.  We have some fast people coming to run the race this year – the current aid station open times are setup for 21 Hours which is just under the previous course records of 21:42:00 that has stood since 2006!  It is always a struggle to not get there too early but still be there in time for the first runner.  In general, the rule is, the earlier the better.  We will have a roving volunteer / HAM Radio Operator, Brendan Johnson, who will be the stop-gap in case someone is slated to really beat the open times, who will setup the aid station and have a few things ready should the aid station workers not be there early enough. We are looking at options for consistently updating Facebook and / or the website but as you know cell and web coverage is limited up there.  Feel free to be in touch with those working your aid stations with you to coordinate decorating and an additional food item or two.  Take care of yourselves out there, split time getting rest with your fellow workers and make yourself and the HAMS something to eat!  Most importantly, if you ever find that you are running out of water of staple food items communicate this to the HAM radio operators at your aid station right away and we will work on getting supplies to you, and always, before it gets critical, send someone for water.

We will be sending out a sepearte email as well but COURSE MARKERS, be at the Caribou Highlands (Lutsen) townhomes unit 540 at 6:30 AM on Thursday morning for a meeting with Matt Long the Marking and Sweeping Coordinator where he will provide the days assignments (also available to view HERE ).  SWEEPERS, Matt Long will be coordinating more details with you but HERE is a list of Sweeping assignments he put together.

Most of you are not runners yet you come back year after year to make this event possible, we cannot thank you enough for your dedication, competence and support.  HAMS, your assignments have been made by Rick and Jayne Johnson and have been emailed to you – we also have you listed on the volunteers section of the site, but Rick and Jane’s list is your master document.

As mentioned, we have communal townhomes available for you to stay at Caribou Highlands should you need a place to crash before or after your shift – there is a good amount of space and beds but we ask that you bring a sleeping bag / pad and pillow just in case all are taken (you will probably be so tired you won’t care where you sleep) – once you sleep, please remove your items and place in a common area and make the bed for the next person that might need to come in and crash after a shift.  These are nice modern accomodations with all the amenities, so feel free to cook, shower etc.  The unit numbers SHOULD be 540 (Markers and Sweepers) & 544 (Other Volunteers) at Caribou Highlands http://fall.superiortrailrace.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Caribou_Highlands_Superior_Finish_Diagram.pdf – even if their is a change in town-home numbers you will be able to find them by the reflective course markers out in front leading to the door of the units.  Also, after the race please come to the finish, we will have a simple bag lunch for everyone and the restaurant at Caribou Highlands is good.  Your shirts will be delivered to the aid station that you are working.

Thank you all again, so much.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  I am getting excited for a great race!

Thank You,

John Storkamp

Race Director
Superior Trail Races